Hi. I am Marc Halpert. I live in the New York City metro area and work as a LinkedIn 1:1 coach, group trainer, and strategic marketing expert, serving clients in the intergalactic space with 110% of my being.
Ask me anything about NYC (especially its architecture, food, and secret finds) or LinkedIn, my 2 fave topics in the world.
Well, they may or may not be in that order!
Be well.
Marc W. Halpert
Managing Partner
We exceed expectations.
Fairfield, CT 06825
203-373-0875 Office
203-218-8288 Cell
Author of “LinkedIn Marketing Techniques for Law and Professional Practices,” second edition, paper or
kindle, published by The American Bar Association, americanbar.org/products/inv/book/411688555/.
Author of “You, Us, Them: LinkedIn Marketing Concepts for Nonprofit Professionals Who Really Want to
Make a Difference” paper or kindle, optional: accompanying e-course. Order at https://bit.ly/YouUsThem.
An online course: “LinkedIn for Baby Boomers (and other encore career changers),” including a package of
supplemental materials. To order: connect2collaborate.com/linkedin-for-midlife-career-changers-over-60.